What The Situation (and You) Should Do When He (or You) Runs Out of Protein Powder

I woke up this morning to do my usual routine of Gym-Take care of my skin-Laundry; and OH NO no more protein powder!! I thought to myself “what would The Situation do?”, and opted not to go in that direction (he would probably give up the day all together, poor himself a glass of Ron Ron juice, and hit The Shore). But for those of us who aren’t so lucky to be making $100,000+ an episode, we have to think flexiand continue out our day as usual.

There is no need to opt for a different breakfast when you run out of protein powder. You can always enjoy your farm fresh eggs or warm gluten-free oatmeal during the weekends, but during the week let’s stick to smoothies shall we? They are super fast, super powered, and super easy on digestion. Drinking smoothies for breakfast gives your digestive system the time it needs to wake up and start doin’ its thang without the shock of a heavy meal first thing in the morning. Since smoothies are basically liquid, they take little energy to digest and your body can absorb the nutrients right away for instant energy to kick-start your day. Adding protein to your smoothies balances your blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full until your next meal. Protein is a must!

Ran out of protein powder like me? Have no fear! There are so many other great super foods you can throw in there to make up for the powder. If you’ve filled up your pantry like I have, then you will have all the ingredients on hand.

The Situation’s (and yours) average protein probably contains between 20-30 grams per scoop. The smoothie I made this morning (without protein) contains 20 grams of protein. All from plants! I made it with hemp seeds (10g), flax (3g), almond butter (3g), spirulina (3g) and spinach (1g). I threw in some maca for extra stamina and hormonal balance – we all know how jacked up The Situation is on testosterone (and he will probably LOVE the fact that it improves libido as well), and a tablespoon of coconut oil for instant energy and healthy fats. I added some berries for natural sweetness instead of the highly processed sugar found in most “body building” protein shakes; and voila, a protein smoothie without the powder! Put it in a to-go cup and you’re ready to continue your GTL.

Protein Smoothie without Protein Powder

1 cup frozen strawberries

1 cup spinach

3 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp ground flax

1 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp almond butter

1 tsp maca

1 tsp spirulina

1/2 cup almond milk

1 cup water

irish moss, optional


– place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth, enjoy.

4 thoughts on “What The Situation (and You) Should Do When He (or You) Runs Out of Protein Powder

  1. Agreed, smoothies are the way to go for breakfast, especially with the kitchen cubard stock thrown in. So enjoying your blogs. Thanks Bonnie

  2. Put tons of spinach in my smoothie this morning…. I swear you cant taste it at all! Always love seeing your fab new ideas!

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